Ink & Iron Tattoo Convention 2018
room The New Bingley Hall
directions 1 Hockley Circus, Birmingham, West Midlands County
Other editions

The team at Ink & Iron would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of Light & Dark, Paint & Pressure, Push & Pull and of course Ink & Iron Tattoo Convention and Custom Show. The fabulous girls and guys who showed us something different with their body painting skills and models alike. Special thanks to 2017’s entertainment line up, our crazy magician and our new compere, Johnny Doom from Kerrang Radio.
Thanks to all the great artists who tattooed some brilliant work on the day, our eclectic mix of traders and to the photographers who share their work with us for our website, including John Thompson Imagery, Max (don’t smile) Pallet, Perry Rule at Total Tattoo magazine, Dave and Billy Manning from Back Street Heroes, George Ellis of Ghost Photography, thanks also to Jack Veasey who did a great video of the days events.
Last but no way least to all of our paying public who have helped turn our event back round to a great success. We hope to see you all Sunday April 9th 2017. Watch this space.