3rd Brussels Tattoo Convention
room Tour & Taxis
directions Avenue du Port 86, 1000, Brussels, Brussels-Capital Region
Other editions

Welcome, to already the 3rd edition of the International Brussels Tattoo Convention!
Again we invited a large and fine selection of worlds best International tattoo artists to come show their work, art and skills to you. Over 230 artists will be attending.
This year we changed the theme and style of the convention to stay original and fresh as we are Belgiums only International Tattoo Convention.
We have a fantastic program set up for you with Live hip hop acts, Live smashing bands, The Fuel Girls, awesome fashion shows and more great special performances!
Of course we will present you our Brussels Burlesque Festival again with hot International Burlesque stars from all over the world!
We have a huge Hawaiian Tiki Beach where you can chill out and get the best fresh juices, Piña Colada’s, Mai Thai’s, Mojito’s and cool custom drinks like the IBTC Bomber, The Ink Trasher and of course the best Sailor Jerry Rum mixes in the house!
Not to forget that you will be served by the hottest Tiki Beach girls you’ve ever seen!
International Art expositions, tattoo contests, cool shops, Art Auctions, Hot Rods and Custom Bikes, Art Fusions, Tattoo Lotteries and we even created a real cinema with tattoo documentaries playing for you all day long.
You name it and its going to be there! We also have some cool contests for the visitors and we have made a second stage inside the convention for awesome performances what we will not reveal yet!
IBTC also known as the “Inglorious Bastards Take Control” started 2 new high level International Tattoo Conventions in Belgium, the conventions are “Summer Ink Fest” in Genk and Urban Ink Fest” in Ghent.
Be sure to check them out!