Wildstyle & Tattoo Messe Tour Graz 2015
room Stadthalle Graz
directions Messeplatz 1, Graz, Graz Stadt
Wildstyle & Tattoo Fair – Europe’s most successful and spectacular tattoo fair is fast approaching! Tattoos, piercing, extraordinary fashion, biker wear, club wear, shoes, dessous, Indian Style, custom bikes & equipment, airbrush, tattoo models, live shootings and castings, unique and sensational stage shows will fascinate the audience in 2013.
In 1995 Jochen Auer (inventor and producer of Wildstyle) presented the most unusual show concept of that time. Only 8 years later he was proud to be host of more than a million delighted visitors!!! The revolutionary concept and the tour through half of Europe lasted more than 8 (!) years and significantly changed the history of tattoos and piercing and made them socially acceptable and available for a huge mass of people. Tattoos, piercing and the “wild lifestyle” have never stopped to polarize. So in 2010 (after a break of 7 years) Jochen Auer and some members of his “old” team had the idea to recall Wildstyle & Tattoo Fair to life.
Today tattooing means more than wearing colourful pictures on the skin. It has become more than only a trend which can’t be fought back by any social class or occupation group. No! One can say that more and more people around the globe realize that tattooing is a sense of life filtering down to all age groups (starting from 18) – no matter what conservative values.
07. & 08. November 2015 • Graz • Messehalle A
14. & 15. November 2015 • Linz • Tabakfabrik
21. & 22. November 2015 • Wr. Neustadt • Arena Nova