2. Ink and Cutz Convention
room The Coliseum
directions 535 4th Ave N, Groningen, Groningen Province
Other editions

Ink & Cutz Invitation
Last year’s Ink & Cutz Convention was a brilliant success and we are proud to announce we are it again in 2017! We are now in the organization and early promotion stage and wish to invite you to join us for the weekend of May 13th and 14th we are going to Groningen to host a new and improved edition of the International Ink & Cutz Tattoo Convention.
Activities –
Calling all Inkers and Barbers! Cash prizes for best tattoo competition and for hair artistry. Last year’s “Battle of the Masters” will be back again to challenge you against your peers! Sign up now and maybe you will go home with a fatter wallet and a free booth for the following year! More information will follow on our website and Facebook page.
Emilio Gonzalez will be giving a live brutal suspension show and we are expecting a number of other live bands and performers. Interested in performing live? There will be a stage for you!
Like last year, there will be a display of cars and motorbikes, a diverse assortment of merchants and vendors with over 100 vendor spots. Both spots will be available for craftsmen, hobbyists, merchants, professional artists, the health and beauty sector and of course.. tattoo artists! Delicious food and drink vendors will be available all weekend.
Contact –
Vendor space is at a first come, first served basis. Full is full, so sign up quickly!
We require your email address, contact/company information and skill set description. After sign up, you will receive a payment and procedures letter. All paid participants will receive a press/promo kit from our marketing agency. The International Ink & Cutz Convention 2017 will be promoted via traditional outlets and online, so headliners get your information to us as soon as possible!
We wish to thank everyone who participated last year and warmly welcome them to return. Special thanks to all volunteers and those who helped behind the scenes.