2. Tattoo Event Jaromer
room Nároďák
directions Národní 54, Pražské Předměstí, Jaroměř, Hradec Králové Region
Other editions

Traditional tattoo festival II. Tattoo Event CZ Jaroměř 2017
Tattoos, piercings, body-art, all-day music and evening live music, Miss Tattoo Event, shows Art-Culture-fashion – Pin Up / Rockabilly, Hair show, Body airbrush painting on the body and airbrush tattoo. Exhibitions and trade shows, market stalls requirements for tattoo artists, fashion clothing, jewelry and accessories. Snacks and drinks, grill bar and Sailor Jerry bar.
Competition categories:
Colour / Black&White / Old&New school / Horror / Abstract&Watercolour / Tribal&Black Work / Kinder Tattoo / Old Tattoo and BEST OF Tattoo Jaroměř.