9th Taiwan Tattoo Convention
room International Convention Center Kaohsiung
directions 274, Zhongzheng 4th Rd., Yancheng Dist., Kaohsiung, Southern Taiwan
Done at 9th Taiwan Tattoo Convention
Other editions

2018 9th 台灣高雄國際紋身展 正式開放2017參展單位優先報名及新進單位登記候補
2018 9th Annual Taiwan Kaohsiung Tattoo Convention open for Priority Registration (for exhibitor who signed up in 2017 ) and new exhibitors who would like to participate can sign up for waiting list
(For the quality of this convention, there is only a limited number for booths. in order to completed the sign up you have to do the payment first ! Thank you for your cooperation.)
意者請上官網:www.tattoo.org.tw 或洽報名專員0989194403 (湘婷)fb:Shiang Ting You
*The Convention reserves the right of final decision with respect to the above regulations.*
credentials non-transferable. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
(海報原畫由美國刺青大師-初代彫顏Jess yen 親筆繪製、主辦單位在此敬上由衷的感謝~Thank )
Tomasz TOFI Torfinski won the Best of Show at the 9th Annual Taiwan Tattoo Convention 2018