date_range JUN 09 - 11, 2017
1st Little Rock Tattoo Show
room Statehouse Convention Center
directions 101 E Markham St, Little Rock, Arkansas
Experience three days of music, fun and entertainment while getting a tattoo from one of the over 100 tattoo artist from around Arkansas.
All Artist are licensed and are knowledgeable on safe tattoo procedures and first aid.
Tickets for the Tattoo Expo can be purchased at the door
Don Peddicord
Katie McGowan – Black Cobra Tattoo Studio
Ashley Velazquez
Mark Longenecker
Bernadette Macias
Matt O’Baugh
Duffy Fortner
Caroline Evans
Robert Silva
Nic Mann
Metal Mafia
Johnnyrey Martinez
Ryan Jordan
Nuclear Tattoo Supply
Blake Cranford
Paul Lee
Shawn Garrison
Jesse Perez
Kyle Arkansas
Crystal Mandrigues
Matt Pumphrey
Patrick Aikin
And more...