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Past events
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20th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 26, 2022
room Roseville

19th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 27, 2021
room Roseville

18th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 22, 2020
room Roseville

17th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 23, 2019
room Roseville

16th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 24, 2018
room Roseville

15th Tattoo A-Thon
date_range FEB 20 - 21, 2016
room Roseville

COR Tattoo & Arts Festival
date_range OCT 23 - 25, 2015
room Roseville

2nd City of Roses Tattoo Festival
date_range SEP 05 - 07, 2014
room Roseville

1st City of Roses Tattoo Festival
date_range MAY 16 - 18, 2014
room Roseville