1º Timisoara Tattoo Expo
room Lucian Blaga
directions Lucian Blaga nr.1, Timișoara, Timiș County
Timisoara Tattoo Expo este singurul eveniment din vestul tarii dedicat pasiunii noastre, arta tatuajelor.
Aflat la prima editie, Timisoara Tattoo Expo 2017 este locul in care timp de 3 zile, 10-11-12 Noiembrie, tatuatori din toata tara, chiar din toata lumea isi vor prezenta cu mandrie munca, stilul si viziunea iar apoi isi vor pune abilitatile la incercare intr-un concurs destinat artistilor pielii. Muzica live, atelierele de pictura, desen, cat si alte activitati vor completa peisajul artistic. Fiecare zi se va incheia cu un afterparty pe masura in clubul Manufactura !
Ne poti fi alaturi ca iubitor de tatuaje amator sau, desigur, te poti inscrie si tu.
Urmareste noutatile si pe site-ul nostru.
Timisoara Tattoo Expo. The only event in the western part of the country dedicated to our passion, the art of tattoos.
At its first edition this year, Timisoara Tattoo Expo 2017 is the place that will host tattoo artists from all over the country, even the world in a friendly environment where we will each present their work, engage in a skill contest and share their style and vision. On the 10th, 11th and 12th of November, we will be expecting you for a weekend filled with colour and creativity! You can also expect: concerts, painting & drawing workshops and other activities. Manufactura club, will host our afterparty.
Join us as a tattoo lover or sign up to be one of our artists!
Stay tuned for more details !